Alaska Seafood Recipes
- Recipes for appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches, and
entrees. Includes cooking tips.
Australian Seafood Recipes
- Includes recipes by Sally Jenyns and reader submitted
recipes. Users are invited to submit recipes.
Captain Cook's Fish and Seafood Recipes
- A collection of fish and seafood recipes, grilling,
smoking tips, preferred cooking methods of types of fish,
and nutritional information.
Carlyle Lake Fish Recipes
- Recipes for bluegill, catfish, and crappie.
Seafood Recipes - A collection of
seafood recipes from cookbooks published between 1747 and
1903, with additional seafood recipes from Key West,
Cooking Art - Seafood Recipes
- Collection of seafood recipes, listed alphabetically.
Fish & Seafood Dictionary
- Dictionary of types and cuts of fish and seafood, methods
of cooking and recipes.
Fish Entree Recipes
- Recipes from the African Cookbook.
Fish Recipes -
Recipes and general information about types and cooking of
fish and shellfish from The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book,
1918, by Fannie Merritt Farmer.
Recipes from Better Homes and Gardens - A
collection of all-time favorite fish recipes Poached Fish with
Orange Sauce and Jalapeno Fish Fillets with Couscous.
Fish and Seafood Recipes -
A collection of fish and seafood recipes listed by category from
Fish and Seafood Recipes -
Collection of fish and seafood recipes submitted by readers
including Bombay Fish Curry and Creamy Pesto Shrimp, at Toptaste.com.
Fish and Seafood Recipes -
Recipes for mollusks, crustaceans, demersal, pelagic, and freshwater
species, from the Irish Sea Fisheries Board.
Fish and Seafood Recipes -
Provides recipes such as Fried red mullet, Cuttlefish with spinach,
and Sardines with oregano and oil.
Fish and Seafood Recipes -
A searchable collection of indexed recipes organized by cooking
method, from Fishing Works.
and Seafood Recipes from Ashton Fishmongers
- Selection of recipes including Fish St Clements, Fish and Pea
Curry, and Plaice with Salsa.
Florida Seafood Recipes - A
large collection including recipes for alligator, oysters, shrimp,
clams, pompano and crab. From the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services.
Fresh and
Salt Water Fish from Hugs's Homeheart - A
collection of recipes for cod, salmon, sole, swordfish, tuna, and
other fish.
Gourmet Seafood - An
assortment of seafood recipes from Suite101.com.
Gourmet Seafood Recipes -
Seafood recipes with emphasis on the Great Northwest, USA.
seafood recipes - Greek seafood recipes
including Christmas Octopus and Cod with Saffron and White Wine, at
Grilling Fish and Seafood Recipes
- Recipes for grilled fish and seafood including Anticucho Style
Grilled Fish, Grilled Mussels With Hot Bean Sauce, and Foiled Fish
on the Grill.
Hookery Cookery - A
collection of recipes for fish and shellfish, with step-by-step
cooking instructions.
Seafood Recipes - Small selection of
recipes from Western Australia. Includes Chilli Crabs and Stir-Fry
Lesley's Recipe Archive: Seafood Recipes
- Includes recipes for salmon steaks, shrimp creole, and seafood
Mississippi Deep Sea Fishing - Selection
includes shrimp, gumbo, crab and fish recipes.
New England Seafood Recipes
- New England lobster and seafood recipes from Venus de Milo
Restaurant. Includes preparation tips.
Jersey Fishing - A selection of recipes
for clams, bass, scallops, hake, lobster, mackerel, monkfish,
oysters, shark, swordfish and fluke.
Orca Bay
Recipes - An assortment of recipes
organized by type of fish or shellfish.
Piscatorial Pursuits Recipes
- Salmon, halibut, razor clam, and other recipes.
Salmon Recipes - Selection of salmon and
steelhead recipes. Also includes information on how to fillet and
smoke fish.
Seafood & Fish Recipes - Collection of
recipes from Robbie's Recipes.
Entrees - Handful of recipes including
Shrimp Diane and Crawfish Boil.
Seafood Recipes - A collection of indexed
and rated recipes at All Recipes.com.
Recipes - An index of several hundred fish
and seafood recipes, from Coal Point Seafoods in Homer, Alaska.
Seafood Recipes - Recipe
archive from Alaska Seafood, searchable by species of seafood, or by
type of meal.
Recipes - An assortment of recipes
organized by species. Includes preparation, storage, and nutritional
Seafood Recipes - A
selection of seafood recipes, including Caribbean Shrimp and Grape
Wraps, Steamed Blue Crabs, and Cedar Smoke Salmon.
Seafood Recipes -
Collection includes Braised Sea Cucumbers with Mushrooms, Grilled
Octopus, Seafood Barley Salad.
Recipes - Recipes by course, cuisine,
preparation. Each recipe includes complete nutritional information,
from Recipezaar.
Seafood Recipes - Collection includes
Barramundi with Lime Butter, Barbecued Bream, and King George
Whiting Fillets in Coconut Armour.
Seafood Recipes - Offers a
database of recipes, as well as the opportunity to submit recipes,
request recipes, and read cooking tips.
Seafood Recipes at iChef -
A large collection of seafood recipes, alphabetically indexed.
Seafood Recipes from Fisherman's Express
- A collection of recipes for entrees, appetizers, batters, and
sauces, using Alaska seafoods.
Seafood Recipes from What's Cooking America
- A collection of seafood recipes that includes Frogmore Stew,
Maderia Tuna, and Roasted Salmon with Rosemary.
Seafood and Shellfish Recipes
- Small selection of seafood recipes including salmon cakes and
softshell crabs.
Secretariat of the Pacific Community Fish Recipes
- Collection of ethnic fish recipes.
Surfcaster Recipes - An index of assorted
recipes with information about the fish.
Swimmingly Good Fish Recipes - An eclectic
collection recipes including linguini with clam sauce, salmon loaf,
salmon pot pie, and two tuna salads.
Texas Seafood Articles -
Articles and recipes on oysters, lobster, snapper, crab-cakes, and
The Salmon
Site: salmon recipes - A handful of salmon
recipes including Trio of Salmon Salad.
A Pocket Guide to Care and Handling of Fish from
Stream to Table - Tips for the proper
handling of fish on the water, care in cleaning, storage,
preparation and preservation; from the North Dakota State
University Extension Service.
Australian Grilled Fish
- Fish steaks marinated in lime, ginger, and pepper, then
grilled. From Lisa's Cooking Cache.
Baked Walleye - Walleye
fillets baked with onion, green pepper, celery, and vegetable
juice. From Lisa's Cooking Cache.
Beyond Salmon - Helen
Rennie shares recipes of all sorts but focuses on everything
anyone ever wanted to know about buying and cooking fish.
Delicious Seafood Recipe Ideas
- Recipes such as Sardine Pesto and Pasta, Sardine Pita Pockets,
and Picnic Basket Pesto Salad.
Dijon Broiled Flounder
- A simple recipe calling for flounder, Dijon mustard, and
cherry tomatoes.
Finnan Haddie Recipes -
A small collection of recipes for cooking finnan haddie, from
Fish and Chips - Fish
fillets dipped in an ale batter and deep-fried. Served with
fried potatoes and malt vinegar.
Have It Your Way Seafood Casserole
- A basic recipe using pasta, cream soup, cheese, and canned
tuna, shrimp, or crab. From RecipeSource.
Pan Fried Fish Fillets
- Provides step by step instructions and reader comments.
Parmesan Coated Swordfish
- The swordfish in this recipe is coated in parmesan bread
crumbs and spices then seared to lock in the flavor and to keep
it from drying out. It is then baked for final cooking.
Poached Fish - Provides
step by step instructions with photos and reader comments.
Pompano Recipes -
Information about this species and a handful of recipes
including Pompano Almondine and Pompano with mango beurre blanc.
Rockfish Braised in Apple Juice
- Accompanied by wilted baby spinach with pinenuts and golden
raisins, serving four.
Seafood Plus - Handling
and seafood preparation how-to information articles as well as
collection of seafood recipes for fish and shellfish.
Seafood Tetrazzini -
Microwave recipe using tuna, shrimp or crabmeat, cream of
mushroom soup, elbow macaroni, and Parmesan cheese. From
Stuffed Milk Fish -
Milk fish stuffed with its own deboned fish meat,spices,onion
and tomatoes.
Thousand Layers of Fish
- A combination of thinly sliced fish, onions, tomatoes, and
butter lettuce.
Winter Fish Wrap - Fish
wrapped with lemon in cabbage leaves and steamed. Includes
recipes for Black-eyed Peas and Red Cabbage Slaw.