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    Fisheries Management

  • American Fisheries Society - Professional society for fisheries scientists. Goal is to promote the conservation, development and wise use of the fisheries.

  • Atlantic Salmon Federation - The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is an international non-profit organization that promotes the conservation and wise management of wild Atlantic salmon and their environment.

  • Caribbean Fisheries Management Council - U.S. government unit responsible for creating management plans for fishery resources (FMPs) in waters off Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, including sharing fish stocks with other Caribbean nations.

  • FAO Fisheries Department - World Food and Agriculture Organization's Major Programme on Fisheries aims to promote sustainable development of responsible fisheries and contribute to food security.

  • Fisheries Society of the British Isles - Organization of professional fish biologists and fisheries managers in the British Isles and Europe.

  • Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute - GCFI is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the exchange of information on the use and management of marine resources in the Gulf and Caribbean region.

  • IOTC - Indian Ocean Tuna Commission - Manages tuna and related species. Committee reports, statistics, organisational details.

  • Marine Conservation Alliance - Promotes the sustainable use of North Pacific marine resources. Information on fisheries management topics and issues in the region.

  • Oceanic Institute - A private not-for-profit research and development organization dedicated to marine aquaculture, biotechnology, and coastal resource management. Based in Hawaii.

  • Seafood Intelligence - Provides international market intelligence and a news service on freshwater and marine fisheries to subscribers.

  • The Institute of Fisheries Management - IFM is an international organisation of people interested in the management of recreational and commercial fisheries. Site provides member services, publications, events, news listings and a fisheries jobs resource.

  • Trout Unlimited - Private, non-profit organization whose mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. Includes information on fisheries management topics.

  • Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Quasi-official group of public agencies charged with protection and management of North America's fish and wildlife resources. Members represent the states, provinces, and federal governments of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Columbia. Includes news of activities and issues.
  • International Pacific Halibut Commission - Joint Canadian-U.S. commission dedicated to the preservation of Pacific halibut in waters off their western shores. Site has information on halibut, statistics on the commercial catch, stock assessment information, and regulations and international treaties related to the halibut fishery.
  • Alaska Department of Fish and Game - Sport Fish Division - Includes information on stocking plans, restoration activities, and fishing regulations.
  • Alaska Fish and Game - Commercial Fisheries - Includes species descriptions, management rules, extensive statistics, and fisheries research program information.
  • Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission - Assists Pacific Northwest treaty Indian tribes in conducting biologically-sound fisheries and in providing a unified tribal voice on fisheries management issues. Information on tribal hatcheries, fisheries monitoring, treaties, tribal fish and shellfish harvesting, salmon recovery, and other topics.
  • Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission - Represents the states of CA, OR, WA, ID, AK. Goal is to promote and support policies and actions directed at the conservation, development and management of fishery resources of mutual concern to member states.
  • The Alliance of Communities for Sustainable Fisheries - Provides an organized community voice for fishing and fisheries in response to legislation that affects the Californian coastal and marine environment.
  • U.S. National Park Service Fisheries Management Programs - Inventories, regulates, and manages fisheries in national parks.



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