National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) - Administers NOAA's programs which support the domestic and international conservation and management of living marine resources.
Alaska Fisheries Science Center - Research branch of the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service responsible for fisheries research in the coastal oceans off Alaska and the west coast of the United States.
Center for Coastal Fisheries Habitat Research - Research in coastal and estuarine marine environment, reef fisheries and fisheries management.
Fisheries Statistics Division - Collects data on commercial and marine recreational fisheries and prepares economic studies on fishing resources.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Headquarters - Plans, develops, and manages a multidisciplinary program of basic and applied research to better understand living marine resources of the Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem.
Office of Habitat Conservation - Interacts with the Regional Offices to manage, conserve and enhance habitats for fishery resources and protected species.