

The Tasmanian scallop fishery is primarily based on the harvest of the commercial scallop. Although commercial fishers can legally take the doughboy scallop and the queen scallop, these species have only minor commercial significance in Tasmania.

The Tasmanian scallop fishery has been closed since 2015. Based on information on the DPIPWE website, in July 2020 the Scallop Fishery Advisory Committee submitted a recommendation the fishery reopening; a majority of industry members on the committee recommended that some specific areas be opened to commercial scallop fishing during 2020. The Minister has not supported this recommendation, so the Tasmanian Scallop Fishery remains closed for commercial harvest in 2020. More information regarding this decision can be found on the DPIPWE website.

Scallop fishers are, however, active in the Commonwealth-managed Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (BSCZSF). This includes many Tasmania-based fishers.

Towed dredges are used by scallop fishers to harvest their catch. The dredge used in the fishery is constructed of a heavy steel frame covered with steel mesh but open on the front side, which is towed and is used to lift scallops out of the sand and mud.

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Careers in the Scallop industry



Skipper qualifications vary from Coxswain 2 to Master 4 Certificates of Competency, depending on the vessel length

On the job:
Master of the vessel, responsible for all fishing operations.
Skipper is also responsible for sale of the catch once landed.

Skipper either owns or leases quota. Take home wage is the amount after boat expenses and deckhand have been paid.

Fishing Licence Personal
Fishing Licence (Scallop)



Scallop fishing vessels tend to have 3-4 deckhands to help sort large volumes of catch.

$ - Based on a per/kg catch arrangement.